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1. Alternative Home for Children Program

a. Rescue Children from the Streets

b. Home Management 

c. Provision of Bacic Needs (shelter, food, clothing

d. Health and Hygiene



2. Christian Formation Program

a. Bible Stories, especially the Jesus narrative

b. Formation of Prayer Life

c. Christian Values

3. Personhood Development Program

a. Individual and Group Counseling

b. Psychological Testing

c. Psychotherapy

d. Group Dynamics of Self-Discovery

4. Formal Education Program

a. Basic Education

b. Educational Assistance

5. Informal Education Program

a. Vocational Skills

b. Tutorials on 3 R's etc.

c. Art Skills

d. Music: Singing, Playing Ethnic Instruments

e. Sports/Recreational Acitivies

f. Theater Arts

g. Alternative Eductaion on Social Consciousness

6. Case Management Program

a. Documentation

b. Case Conferences

c. Treatment Plan

d. Home Visitations

7. Family/Copmmunity Support Outreach Program

a. Reconciliation with Family

b. Preventive Measures: Community Based Extension

     1. Street - Based Education

     2. Community -Based Education

     3. Referrals

8. Networking Program

a. Placement of Children in Other Centers

b. Scholarships Grants for Education of Children

c. Tapping Volunteers

d. Linkages with other Organizations and Affiliations

e. Resource Generation

9. Advocacy Program

a. Consciousness Raising on the Street Children in             ASAS School 

b. Mass Mobilization for Public Support on Problems

     of Street Children

10. Staff/Personnel Development Program

a. In-Service Trainings

b. Formal Education

c. Supervisory and Administrative Meetings

d. Retreats/Recollections/Theological  Reflections

e. Socialization

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